Just a Little Something for Your Entertainment

Just A Little Something For Your Enjoyment

Monday, August 30, 2010

AR Awards

When I was in Elementary school at Irving Elementary, they had this program called Accelerated Reader (AR). The program was designed so that people would read more. It worked as thus. A student would read a book. Then that student would take an AR test over that book. Each book was worth a certain number of points. Depending on how many questions you got right, you would get a certain amount of points. The points varied from book to book. Harder books, like Harry Potter, were worth more points. Easy books, like Blue's Clues, were worth fewer points. Non-fiction books were worth more points than fiction books. While the points still differed, an easy non-fiction book was worth more points than an easy fiction book. Depending on how many points you got, you would be given awards. Awards included trophies, plaques, and medals. I was really good at Accelerated Reader, so I have a treasure trove of awards. Here is a picture of my awards.

My Awards

1 comment:

  1. So, I must ask, what was the most points you got in one year?
