Just a Little Something for Your Entertainment

Just A Little Something For Your Enjoyment

Friday, December 24, 2010

How to Have Fun, Seth Style.

This post is dedicated to my Grandpa, as he likes to sit around and look at the weather and the obituaries, even while with his family. I will give him something to think about by telling anyone who cares to listen how I have fun.

1. I make up a pizza or two for a snack/lunch.
2. I curl up with pizza and a movie.
3. Play a game on the TV with pizza.
4. Play a game with my family.
5. Play on my Nintendo DS Lite.
6. Do a Suduko puzzle.
7. Compose haiku and other poems.
8. Read a good book in a comfortable chair/bed.
9. Play a computer game.

This is how I relax and have fun. They might not be exactly what you like, but they might be fun to you too. Please continue to read my Blog and comment on anything!


  1. Wow this is my grandson he's a great young man.

    Grandpa Larry

  2. Wow .. let me summarize .. pizza, tv, games :)

    love ya Seth .. we'll have to have pizza Friday night for supper! :)

  3. It's been awhile since I've been out to your blogs. I'm catching up. Sure looks like you like pizza!
